Media in my life
Recently I have been thinking about how much I use media in my day to day life. When I thought about it, I really do use it way more then I previously thought. For a start, I spend a lot of my spare time playing online video games and endlessly browsing the internet for hours on end. While I cannot say that this is especially healthy of me, the media allows me to communicate with everyone else in the world and see their opinions and creations, and it also lets me drive complete strangers to madness from across the world (I can be annoying to play against in DotA 2. That probably means that I’m doing it correctly.)
It also lets me know when new games or films come out or if something else of interest happens, as I can check on official websites, Facebook or YouTube to see if anything new has happened. It has also helped me when I want to see a film by allowing me to order tickets online, but I don’t go to watch films on a day-to-day basis.
One form of media I definitely don’t use is the news on TV. TV news channels mostly put depressing things on to get more people watching, but for me, it has the opposite effect, as it repels me because I don’t want to depress myself because of yet another terrorist attack that kills hundreds of people and makes Facebook users change their profile pictures for two weeks before forgetting about the whole incident.
Something that is somewhat concerning is how much time I spend with media. Like I said, it isn't especially healthy of me to spend so much time on the computer, especially when it distracts me from my studies and takes up time when I could be doing something productive such as excising or thinking about my future, and so on. I should probably change this for my own good.
A good insight into your use and feelings about different media. Keep publishing your work, but from what I saw in clas you doing just the right things to make your work interesting. Don't forget you need to analyse 2 films [see my blog post for hints] as well.